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West Cheshire League

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Recent divisional champions (incomplete list)

SeasonDivision OneDivision Two
1982-83 Cammell Laird Mersey Royal
1983-84 Cammell Laird Mersey Royal
1984-85 Heswall Cammell Laird reserves
1985-86 Vauxhall Motors Merseyside Police
1986-87 Cammell Laird Rivacre Sports Club
1987-88 Heswall Higher Bebington
1988-89 Cammell Laird Higher Bebington
1989-90 Cammell Laird Heswall reserves
1990-91 Cammell Laird Heswall reserves
1991-92 Cammell Laird Poulton Victoria reserves
1992-93 Christleton Cammell Laird reserves
1993-94 Cammell Laird Cammell Laird reserves
1994-95 Vauxhall Motors Vauxhall Motors reserves
1995-96 Poulton Victoria Poulton Victoria reserves
1996-97 Poulton Victoria Heswall reserves
1997-98 Poulton Victoria General Chemicals

In 1998, Division Three was added.

SeasonDivision OneDivision TwoDivision Three
1998-99 Cammell Laird Heswall reserves BICC Helsby
1999-00 Poulton Victoria BICC Helsby Pavilions
2000-01 Cammell Laird Aintree Villa Mallaby
2001-02 Christleton Mallaby Maghull reserves
2002-03 Vauxhall Motors reserves Poulton Victoria reserves Ashville reserves
2003-04 Newton Merseyside Police Manweb reserves
2004-05 Heswall New Brighton Mond Rangers reserves
2005-06 Poulton Victoria Upton Athletic Association West Kirby reserves
2006-07 West Kirby Runcorn Town A F C Bebington Athletic
2007-08 West Kirby Poulton Victotria reserves Mossley Hill Athletic
2008-09 West Kirby Helsby F C Pensby
2009-10 Cammell Laird reserves Southport Trinity Hale
2010-11 West Kirby Ashville Runcorn Linnets reserves
2011-12 Ashville Hale South Liverpool
2012-13 Heswall South Liverpool Redgate Rovers
2013-14 Maghull Capenhurst Villa Rainhill Town
2014-15 South Liverpool Rainhill Town Kirkby Town Railway
2015-16 South Liverpool Richmond Raith Rovers Bootle reserves
2016-17 Newton Ashville Rainhill Town reserves
2017-18 South Liverpool Hale Page Celtic
2018-19 Newton Page Celtic Aintree Villa
2019-20 Null and void Aintree Villa FC Bootle St Edmunds

The F.C.H.D. does not have the complete final table information for this league.

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